Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Project Evaluation

Project Evaluation

My personal reflection on the overall project

Overall I believe that this project has been one of the most successful projects throughout the whole media course. People have worked productivily in order to produce the newspaper on time for the deadline, unlike other projects where it has been very hectic near the end of the project this one has been very easy going and everyone has stuck to the dealines very well, which meant that there was no unesacary rushing near the end of the project which was good and built up the moral of the group, this also meant that my job as 'schedules manager' has been succesful in the fact that everyone has managed to get the work complete on time.

How pleased am I personally with my contribution to this project?

During the course of this project I have worked constructivly and I believe that I adapted to my role almost straight away. The main factor which meant that I could work effectivily within my role was that I organised a variety of activities for each group to do within the project. For example obne activity which I set up was 'the question box' this activity engaged the whole group and made sure that everyone was working together effectivily and productivily. I made sure that this activity was done near the start of the project as I believe it was very important that the group engage with each other at the early stages in order to work productivly throughout the rest of the project.

Another factor which meant that I had succeded within my personal role was the fact that I manged to ensure that everyone was informed about the dealines at the early stages of the project. In order to make sure that every one was informed of the deadlines I created a poster which showed clearly the deadlines for the project, Once I created the poster I stuck it onto the wall and made sure that everyone was informed about the location of the poster so that they could view it and see when things are due in.

Overall I believe that I have worked effectivly within my role and within this project, if anything I could of maybe been more verbal and spoken to people more about the deadlines etc but apart from that overall I believe that I have worked effectivly and productivly within my role during the course of this project and everyone stuck to the scehdule as I instructed so overall this project was a successfull one.

How did other people work within their groups / roles?

After the structure was sorted for the organisation of the groups everyone set to work on working within their seperate roles. At the start of the project people were a bit reluctant to work within their given roles naturally this is what happens at the start of any project where there is an organisational structure but people within the groups soon adapted to their individual roles and managed to adapt themselves to their groups and work effectively within them.

The leaders of each group havge worked very well in order to get their individual teams / groups up and running. There were tree groups & The quality control team. It was the red, blue and gold teams job to work on the articles for the newspaper and it was the quality control team taht checked that the jobs were getting done and also that the material was of a high enough standard for the specification and also the newspaper.

 There was also a liason role which Alex was for this project and I strongly believe that Alex done a very good job within this role and managed to keep constant contact with the clients and other people such ast he advertisers, and when they did not respond on time Alex would chase them up about this and would gain a faster repsonse from the client / advertisers.

As far as individual people within the group I believe that everyone worked effectivly and productivly during the course of this project.

What have I learnt from this project?

Overall after this project I have learnt / gained a variety of things, which include:
  • Time management skills have increased
  • Orgainisation skils have increased
  • Comunication skills have increased
  • I have learnt to create activities for the group which has bosted my moral and persona sense of achievement
  • I have learnt about the structure of a newspaper company and also how to work more professionaly within a workin enviroment
  • I have also learnt how to get a product finsiehd on time for a client
  • Working productivly as part of a team
What have I learnt from previous projects?

I have learnt a variety of things from past projects which are very closely linked to the factors above things such as:
  • Organisational skills have incresed
  • Time management / organisation skills
  • Working productivly within a team
  • Working to a clients brief and producing a product on time and to their standards
  • Creative skills have increased such as photo and video editing

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